Monday, January 28, 2008


January 24 & 25, 2008, Hillside, IL

When I heard the Supersuckers were playing Hillside I was stoked. I'd seen Sleepy LaBeef and the Last Vegas but a band as big as the SSK, holy smokers!!! We were in for some serious ass rocking.

I headed over around 7:30 since it's only five minutes from my house. Met up w/my sister and ex at the bar. Their bud Roger and his friend Matt were there too. Saw Madman Miller who I had not seen since the SSK played the Abbey back in '06 so caught up w/him too. Sat around and chatted for awhile before the opening band the Sleepers went on. Didn't really pay much attention to them though.

Eddie Spaghetti and Jordan Shapiro were on next so I went up front to get a good spot to take pictures. Here's their setlist.

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They played a short set, Jordan switching between steel and electric guitar. Madman gave this guy $10 to get a few beers but the guy just pocketed the cash. Luckily for Madman, his buddy made good and brought over III Schlizts. It was now time for the "World's Greatest Rock n Roll Band."

They opened the show w/that rock n roll song that I've heard before but didn't care for but live, it was just right. The crowd was diggin it and throwin' the horns from the get go. They tore through old ones ("Caliente" and "Luck") and several new songs such as "What it Takes" and "Something Good For You." Here's about three minutes from "Bloody Mary Morning." The vid'sn ot that great but you get the idea, the Brauerhouse was rockin'.

Supersuckers partial II

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After the obligatory "fake encore" Eddie asked what they should play and someone yelled Thin Lizzy. We got "Jailbreak" into "Born w/a Tail."

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I remember thinking Scott Churilla just wouldn't make me crap my pants as Eddie said when he joined the band. I thought Murderbuger was a vast improvement over Dancing Eagle and Dusty "mutherf*cking" Watson was phenomenal, but Churilla, well, I almost crapped my pants after hearing him live. What can I say, I'll eat it, he was oustanding in his Led Zeppelin shirt.


Had to work Friday and was wondering how the hell I'd make it another night. Needless to say, I made it. Got over there a little later and met up w/polksis, the ex, Christine and her friend. We sat through the Sleepers yet again and I headed for the stage for Eddie and Jordan's set. You can't miss Madman so I went right for him but was cut off by some woman who said she was fatter than me. I gave Madman a slap on the back and she said, "you know Kevin?" Well Madman had the posse w/him and they weren't budging so I hung back for the second set. Jordan played an SG but no steel this time. They changed the setlist up and did Priest's "Breaking the Law." Unfortunately the crowd just wasn't into it Friday night and the people around me just talked through the set. Too bad because it was a nice set list. After their set, Madman pulled me up close to take pictures but one of his friends said I was standing in her friend's spot. I just looked at her and backed up because she didn't care that I knew Kev. This is when things got ugly. Every time someone tried to move in, they threw up a wall w/their arms. Not cool since the Brauerhouse is way too small to begin with. Once the 'suckers hit the stage one feller got thrown out of the front by these women and their men. Bad vibes. I hung back behind Madman and didn't take any pictures since he's like seven feet tall.

They mixed it up from the night before and did oldies like "Coattail Rider" as well as the rock version of "Roadworn and Weary." We got to hear the new songs too but they didn't come close, nor did the crowd, to rocking as hard as they did the night before like on "Bloody Mary Morning." I blame it on the bad vibes and everyone up front. There was a dude filming up close so there wasn't the mayhem of the previous evening. We even got more Thin Lizzy after the fake encore, this time, "Cowboy Song" and of course that went into "Born w/a Tail."

It was nice to see them in such a small venue but damn, that bar is just too small. What are ya gonna do? They practically played in my back yard so I headed to the merch table and picked up one of them t-shirts w/the tour dates on the back, the kind they don't often print up and sell.

Ok, I lied, here's one from Friday of the woman who told me to move it.
